The National Laurel Earners of DAV Hazaribag for the year 2012

The National Laurel Earners of DAV Hazaribag for the year 2012 were felicitated today in a special function held at the Sr. Wing by Hon’ble Shri S.U. Sorte, Regional Officer, CBSE, Patna  who was the Chief Guest on the occasion. Congratulating the students on their brilliant performance Shri Sorte put great emphasis on students engaging into creative pursuit in addition to their academic ones for the development of a well rounded personality. He said that DAV, Hazaribag has added a new feather to the crown of the CBSE Patna Zone family by its outstanding performance at the CBSE National Heritage Quiz.
The distinguished Guest Hon’ble Dr. Manish Ranjan, D.C, Hazaribag lavished praise on the students for their superlative performance in scholastic as well as co-scholastic activities in his address to the students, he said, citing the examples of Michael Jordan and Thomas Elva Edison, that there is no substitute for diligence and discipline for any worthwhile achievement in life.
Welcoming the honorable guests the Principal, Shri Ashok Kumar, said that the school was fortunate to have as distinguished a personage as the Regional Officer, CBSE, Patna Zone as the chief guest on the occasion. He also expressed his gratitude to Dr. Manish Ranjan, for sparing his precious time to share the moments of the joy of the students.
The participants of CBSE National Heritage Quiz Ankit XI, Vinayak X and Ritik Ranjan IX, Bhaskar Genius Scholarship winner Ashutosh Anshu XI, Bipul Kumar, Akash Kumar, Shubhankur Biswas and Nirbhay Kumar – the participants of 20th National Children’s Science Congress, Kshitij Anant for  his spectacular performance in badminton at state as well as National Level, the participants of MHRAT, the participants of Games and Sports for winning the overall championship at Zonal Level  for  consecutive 14 years, and the cultural participants were felicitated.
The teacher like Shri Ratan Deep Sharma (English) , Shri C.Das (Sports) and Shri. Ajit Sharma (Science) were also felicitated on the occasion.
The vote of thanks was proposed by Shri R. K. Singh, Supervisory Head of the school. Besides students, a number of dignitaries of the town including Shri U.P. Singh, Principal, NVS, Bonga, Mr. Bulu Imam an eminent environmentalist were present. The Programme concluded with the Shanti Path.