
Rules for attendance
  • 75% attendance is essential for promotion to the next higher class.
  • No leave is granted except on prior application from parents/guardians for genuine reasons.
  • In case of sickness, a medical certificate from a registered medical practitioner has to be submitted.
  • Repeated absence without leave or unexplained leave for six consecutive days renders a student liable to have his/her name strck off the rolls.
  • It is compulsory for a student to attend the school on the first and the last day after Summer Vacation, Puja Vacation and Winter Vacation.

  • One month's notice or one month's fee in lieu of notice is necessary in case a parent wants to withdraw his/her ward from the school.
  • The transfer certificate will be issued after on week on condition that all the fees and other dues of the school are cleared
  • For withdrawl of transport facility, one month's notice is necessary. This will, however, be accepted upto 31st of September only. No request for withdrawal of the facility will be accepted thereafter.
  • The following categories of pupils may be required to be withdrawn from the school(after duly) notifying the cause to the parents.
  • Those who fail to show satisfactory progress and are unwilling or unable to profit from the educational programs of the school
  • Those whose fee arrears are over due.
  • Those whose behavior, in the opinion of the principal and disciplinary committee, is harmful to the interests and academic environment of the school